Desi Desi

Desireé Mou, Process Cartographer

I teach people how to teach, to facilitate, and to present. I do this by helping them map out a process to get where they want and need to go.

Since 1999 I have designed and facilitated hundreds of interactive half to multi-day workshops on teaching, presenting, and facilitation. As an experienced Instructional Skills Workshop (ISW) facilitator and trainer, I train instructors and facilitators for universities and colleges.

Outside of my work with universities and colleges, I design and facilitate processes for community organizations. In this setting, facilitation often flirts with conflict. While hair-raising to facilitate, conflict is a sign of engagement and when properly channelled, it can serve a greater purpose.

If you have a presentation looming or you need to facilitate or teach adults in the coming weeks and months, let's get started. What you discover through our work together will allow you to accomplish the immediate and leave you poised to work with others no matter the circumstances.

I am currently working out of Vancouver, BC. If you're in the Lower Mainland we may be able to meet in-person, otherwise, call me and we can discuss your situation over the phone.
